Immigration Resources
This is a list complied by the EIHS Immigration Advisors. This list is not comprehensive and is updated quarterly.
History of U.S. Immigration
For books on the history of U.S. immigration, see Barnes and Noble’s U.S. Immigration & Emigration History list.
For a brief history of U.S. immigration policy from colonial times to the present day, see this Cato Institute timeline. It discusses the Dillingham Commission, the World War I era, and the National Origins Act of 1924, among other policies. For post-World War II immigration policies, details on the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, and more recent debates on immigration reform, see the Council on Foreign Relations’ Brief Postwar History timeline.
In addition, the Migration Policy Institute’s Migration Information Source online journal offers a succinct summary of the key moments in U.S. immigration policy, with special highlights on its impact on American society, culture, and economy. For a more extensive report that analyzes the integration of immigrants into U.S. society and their economic, social, and cultural impacts, see the National Academy of Sciences’ research findings and policy recommendations.
U.S. Government
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
· USCIS offers detailed information on legal immigration policies and procedures, visa and citizenship applications, and pathways to U.S. citizenship.
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
· The DHS website serves as a central hub for resources related to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) (including border encounters) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) (including removal statistics). DHS also provides information about efforts to secure the border, citizenship and immigration services, and human trafficking.
DHS’s Office of Immigration Statistics (OIS)
· OIS offers statistics to inform policy and assess the effects of immigration in the United States. It releases a comprehensive Yearbook of Immigration Statistics each year that provides data on foreign nationals who have been granted lawful permanent residence, admitted on a temporary basis, applied for asylum or refugee status, or been naturalized.
Congressional Research Service (CRS)
· CRS provides reports and analyses to Congress on a wide range of topics, including immigration. Its reports cover legal and policy frameworks, historical trends, economic impacts, social issues, and demographic analysis.
Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
· The Congressional Budget Office is a non-partisan agency that provides budgetary and economic analysis to Congress, including related to immigration policies and their budgetary implications.
U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO)
· GAO conducts audits, evaluations, and investigations of federal programs and operations. GAO provides information and analysis to Congress, government agencies, and the public to help improve government performance and promote fiscal responsibility. Its website provides reports, recommendations, curated information and summaries, videos, podcasts, and blog posts relating to homeland security, international affairs, and justice and law enforcement, as well as information on U.S. border security and immigration policies.
· The U.S. Census Bureau collects and disseminates statistical data about social, economic, and housing characteristics of the U.S. population, including the foreign-born population, through their American Community Survey and Population Estimates Program (PEP). Its "Foreign-Born Population" page provides statistics and reports on the foreign-born population, including data on their demographic characteristics, geographic distribution, and nativity status. Its "Migration/Geographic Mobility" page offers reports, surveys, and data on domestic and international migration.
Refugee Resettlement & Immigrant Integration Resources
State Department– Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM)
· PRM is the State Department agency that administers the United States Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP). USRAP is an association of three federal agencies and nine national refugee resettlement organizations which work together to identify and admit refugees for resettlement in the United States. PRM releases regular announcements and publishes research on the topics of refugees and migration. The State Department’s Refugee Processing Center also offers current and historical data on refugee resettlement through the Worldwide Refugee Admissions Processing System (WRAPS).
Department of Health and Human Services – Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR)
· ORR provides benefits and services for refugees, asylum seekers, and other new arrivals to assist with their U.S. integration. ORR’s website supplies detailed information about programs and resources for service providers. It also outlines the resettlement services it provides to immigrant populations, including refugees, asylees, Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) Holders, and victims of human trafficking. Separate services also exist for Ukrainian and Afghan humanitarian parolees and unaccompanied children. Information and fact sheets are available on ORR’s integration programs, benefits, and eligibility.
USCIS – Civic Integration: Settling in the U.S.
· USCIS offers information to help new lawful permanent residents integrate to life in the United States. Resources provided on the website cover areas such as education, child care, employment, finances, emergencies and safety, health care, and more.
· United States Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP)State Department– Welcome Corps Private Sponsorship Program
· Welcome Corps is a State Department program that allows Americans to sponsor refugees. Information about the program and directions on how to get involved is provided on the State Department website.
· The U.S. Department of Education provides information and resources for immigrant, refugee, asylee students and families. Topics include K-12 and higher education, and resources for specific immigrant student populations, including DACA recipients, adults, migrants, Hispanic, and Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) students.
Refugee Resettlement Agencies
There are nine national refugee resettlement agencies that partner with PRM and ORR to provide resettlement services to refugees and other newcomer populations. Each resettlement agency’s website includes information about their local affiliate agencies, refugee programs, and other resources and services offered.
· Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM)
· Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC)
· International Rescue Committee (IRC)
· Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS)
· United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
· U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI)
U.S. Policy and Research Organizations
Migration Policy Institute (MPI)
· MPI’s website provides a wealth of data, research, and analysis on topics such as immigration policy, refugee resettlement, and integration of immigrants and refugees into their host communities. MPI’s Migration Data Hub provides interactive tools, maps, and downloadable datasets for the United States and internationally. MPI publishes a bimonthly newsletter on a range of immigration-related topics. An Immigration: Data Matters guide produced by MPI and the Population Reference Bureau links users directly to more than 250 authoritative U.S. and international data resources.
· The Pew Research Center provides data and analysis related to immigration trends and policies in the United States and around the world. Through various surveys, reports, and articles on various aspects of immigration, such as public opinion, demographics, and policy debates, Pew offers data-driven insights, analysis, and advocacy. Pew publishes a weekly newsletter on a range of topics.
· The Niskanen Center provides research, analysis, and policy proposals aimed at reforming the U.S. immigration system to better reflect principles that promote individual freedom, market solutions, and effective government. Niskanen publishes a biweekly newsletter, with the option to sign up for immigration updates.
The Urban Institute – Federal, State, and Local Immigration and Integration Policies
· The Urban Institute publishes reports on immigration and integration policies and practices at local, state, and federal levels. The Urban Institute offers the opportunity to sign up for its newsletters, with the option to receive its Immigrants and Immigration Research Update.
· Brookings has a collection of articles, research papers, commentaries, and books related to U.S. immigration policy, covering economic, social, and legal issues. The Brookings Brief daily newsletter features commentary, analysis, original research, videos, podcasts, and more.
· The Bush Institute features research papers, policy proposals, and commentary on a range of issues related to immigration, such as legal immigration, the economic impact of immigration, and border security. The webpage also highlights immigrants’ voices and their contributions to American society. Those interested can sign up for email notifications.
Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC)
· The Bipartisan Policy Center’s immigration policy area focuses on developing solutions that balance security and economic interests, while addressing the needs of both legal and unauthorized immigrants. They have published reports and recommendations on issues such as border security, visa reform, integration programs, and pathways to citizenship. BPC publishes a weekly newsletter providing information on important policy issues, with the option to sign up for immigration updates. Those interested can also sign up for the Bipartisan Brief, a bi-weekly update on Capitol Hill from senior leadership.
American Enterprise Institute (AEI)
· The American Enterprise Institute's immigration program conducts research and produces analysis and commentary on border security and enforcement, the economic impact of immigration, visa policies and reform, and immigrant integration and assimilation. AEI aims to develop policy solutions that prioritize economic growth and national security, while also recognizing the contributions and needs of immigrants. Those interested can sign up for a daily and/or weekly newsletter to receive updates on AEI’s work.
· The Wilson Center’s Refugee and Forced Displacement Initiative, founded in 2022, provides policy analysis on research in global displacement. While still new, the initiative’s webpage includes information on and recordings of events and symposiums, as well as articles on related topics.
Center for Migration Studies (CMS)
· The Center for Migration Studies (CMS) conducts research, analysis, and advocacy related to immigration issues. CMS focuses on understanding and addressing the social, economic, and policy aspects of immigration, with a particular emphasis on vulnerable populations, human rights, and social justice. The organization also publishes research on immigration policy, immigrant integration, migration trends, refugees, and more in its International Migration Review.
Other Governments
The European Union, Canada, Australia, Germany, and the United Kingdom all have a rich history of immigration, much like the United States. They share a common experience of grappling with immigration and the challenges that come with it, such as managing family, economic, and humanitarian migrant flows. As such, they have developed policies that provide aid and resettlement programs to refugees, prioritize skilled labor, promote family reunification, and combat illegal immigration.
· The European Commission's Migrant Integration website offers resources and tools (such as policy and guidance documents, like the EU Action Plan on Integration and Inclusion and the Common Basic Principles for Immigrant Integration Policy) for policymakers, practitioners, and civil society organizations to support the integration of migrants in education, employment, and social inclusion across the European Union. The European Commission also showcases good practices and initiatives from across the EU that promote migrant integration, as well as reports and migration and asylum statistics from Eurostat, which can be used to inform immigration policy and migrant integration initiatives.
· The Canadian government’s immigration system is designed to support economic growth and social development by attracting immigrants who have the skills and talents needed by the Canadian labor market. Its webpage provides information on target and screening, the Express Entry system, and emphasizes Canada's commitment to welcoming and integrating immigrants. The government also showcases key statistics, research and milestones in its immigration track record.
Australian Government Department of Home Affairs
· The Australian Government Department of Home Affairs' website provides information and services related to national security, law enforcement, and immigration. The website offers visitors access to information about visas and citizenship, online application services, application status checking, and details on requirements and immigration services available in Australia. The Australian government also announced its 2023-2024 Permanent Migration Program, which seeks to strike a balance between various economic, social, and demographic goals and priorities, while also focusing on advancing Australia’s long-term national interests.
German Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community
· The German Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community provides information a range of topics related to migration, including immigration policies, naturalization, asylum protection and refugee integration, and illegal immigration. The website also provides links to relevant laws and resources related to migration in Germany.
United Kingdom’s Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC)
· OISC conducts reports and impartial analysis related to compliance of immigration advisers, immigration policies, guidance and resources for advisers and individuals. These reports ensure that immigration advisers adhere to regulatory requirements, assess the effectiveness of immigration policies, provide guidance and resources to stakeholders, and gather feedback through stakeholder consultations.
International Organizations
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
· The International Organization for Migration is part of the United Nations System and is relied upon by governments worldwide to provide inter-governmental responses to migration management needs. Its website provides information, data and other resources related to migration, displacement, and humanitarian issues around the world. Visitors can access migration statistics and information about IOM's programs and services, including assistance to migrants and refugees, resettlement and relocation services, emergency response to humanitarian crises, and support for voluntary returns and reintegration. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
· The UNHCR’s website serves as a hub for those interested in supporting UNHCR's efforts to protect and assist refugees around the world. Along with information about how to seek asylum and access legal and social services, UNHCR’s Refugee Data Finder also provides access to data and statistics related to refugee populations worldwide, including information about countries of origin, asylum applications, and resettlement numbers.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
· OECD, an intergovernmental organization with 38 member countries, provides an online tool that tracks 68 indicators of immigrant integration at the national level across all EU and OECD countries. These indicators—which assess integration outcomes for immigrants and their children—cover the fields of employment, education and skills, social inclusion, civic engagement, and social cohesion. OECD offer a separate online data tracker on immigrant integration across regions at the local level.
Organization of American States (OAS)
· The Organization of American States, an intergovernmental organization that promotes cooperation among countries within the Americas, offers links and resources on its website pertaining to issues of migration and refugees. Resources include information on the organization’s international mechanisms and initiatives for the protection of these vulnerable populations. OAS also publishes regular newsletters through the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development, Secretariat for Multidimensional Security, Secretariat for Legal Affairs, Secretariat for Political Affairs, and Summits of the Americas Secretariat.